Halloween is, of course, one of my favorite times of the year! Even though it feels like I’m always on my toes trying to keep up with Thomas, I still want to find the time to make Halloween costumes! Check out the templates below for the hoodies Anna and I wore on KELOLAND Living. The … Continue reading Hoodie Costume Templates
Posts by Dad
The Blade Runner Unicorn
Last week, I joked that we might see origami unicorns, a la Blade Runner, trend in 2019. That got me thinking… How do you make a Blade Runner unicorn? It turns out, I wasn’t the first person to wonder, and after a brief google search, I can say, “I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe,” … Continue reading The Blade Runner Unicorn
2019 Craft Trend Predictions
It’s a new year, with new trends, and if you’ve resolved to make new things, craft harder, and geek out more often, you’ve come to the right place. It’s always tough to predict the next big thing… Bladerunner, Akira, and The Running Man all take place in 2019, and they all missed the … Continue reading 2019 Craft Trend Predictions
Easy Toddler Puzzle Tile Fort
Hello out there, makers, crafters, and geeks! Today, I have a quick, fun tip on entertaining your toddler! My little guy, T, has been interested in crawling into (and out of) all kinds of crazy places, so I figured I’d give him a fun, safe place to hide out (and tear down if he must!) … Continue reading Easy Toddler Puzzle Tile Fort
Geek Chic Pacifier Leash Tutorial
Hello out there, geeks, makers, and friends! I’m back with another tutorial. This time, we’re making a geek chic pacifier leash. Why, you ask? My eight month old son loves his pacifier almost as much as he loves throwing his pacifier. This pacifier leash is a great way to keep pacifiers off of the floor … Continue reading Geek Chic Pacifier Leash Tutorial
Fast and Fun Oatmeal Breakfast Bars
Breakfast is the meal in our geeky household. We love breakfast. As a dad, weekend breakfasts are a sacred duty passed down to me from my father and his father before him. Once upon a time, my weekend breakfasts were mostly donuts or pancakes, but I’ve been experimenting in the kitchen and I’ve devised some … Continue reading Fast and Fun Oatmeal Breakfast Bars
Eyes in the Back of Your Hair Tie Tutorial
Mom was browsing Wish the other day and saw some eyeball hair ties, but she wasn’t impressed with the quality of the design, so she told me to make her some eyeballs that were eye-popping… Now, she has some (really creepy) eyes for the back of her head! Supplies Before you decide to start desecrating … Continue reading Eyes in the Back of Your Hair Tie Tutorial
Pom-Pom Soot Sprite Tutorial
I watch a bit of anime here and there, but my wife has only started watching anime in the last year or so. Watching her discover her tastes in anime got me thinking about my introduction to the work of Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli, Spirited Away. Of all the amazing characters in that movie, … Continue reading Pom-Pom Soot Sprite Tutorial