It’s a new year, with new trends, and if you’ve resolved to make new things, craft harder, and geek out more often, you’ve come to the right place.
It’s always tough to predict the next big thing… Bladerunner, Akira, and The Running Man all take place in 2019, and they all missed the mark.

Blade Runner (1982) © Warner Brothers
But still, people aspire to ride the wave of “what’s trending,” and crafters are no exception! Let’s start by taking a looking at Hobbycraft’s predictions for the biggest craft trends of 2019.
1. Dirty Pouring (a.k.a. Pour Art)
2018 saw a huge surge in the popularity of dirty pouring. Dirty pouring is the fun, crazy craft of mixing multiple colors of paint in one container, then pouring them out onto a canvas. Hobbycraft is predicting this trend will continue into 2019.
My prediction:
Right now, acrylic paints are the “it” thing in pour art. I think we’re going to see a rise in other pouring mediums. Tinting resin and epoxy for durable pour art on things like trivets, light switch covers, and home decor.
2. Pyrography (a.k.a. Wood Burning)
Homemade and handmade have been on the rise! Pyrography is the art of burning images onto wood with a wood burning tool. It’s an old-fashioned craft, but everything old can be new again!
My prediction:
I can definitely see wood burning rise in popularity in 2019. I think we’re also going to see other old-fashioned crafts, like tin punching, hit the scene again!
3. Calligraphy
They say it’s all in the details, and calligraphy is all details! Whether it’s hand-lettered invitations or sentimental phrase written out and framed, calligraphy is a perennial favorite.
My prediction:
Calligraphy sees an uptick every few years, so it’s no surprise to see it trending again. I don’t think this year will be limited to nib pens, though. Lettering with brush pens will see a surge in popularity as well.
4. Candle Making
Candles are another classic homemade gift, so I’m not surprised to see this on the list. What’s to say? Candles.
My prediction:
Have there been any cool innovations in candle making? Candle making used to be a necessity, but now it’s a luxury. I think we’re going to see crafters pushing the boundaries of candle crafting.

5. Wabi-Sabi
Wabi-Sabi is a newer movement in the west deeply rooted in Japanese tradition. These techniques put a spin on upcycling by repairing items in a way that highlights the repair rather than trying to hide it, finding beauty in imperfection. Whether it’s mixing gold enamel into the glue used to fix a broken plate, or using brightly colored threads when mending a tear in your clothes, wabi-sabi celebrates the flaws!
My prediction:
While I’ve never been in love with the word “upcycling,” I love making things last longer, so I love this trend. It’s unique, quirky, and creative, and I hope this is a trend with some staying power.
GeekyDad Crafts Trend Predictions
Of course, what would this list of trends be without some predictions of my own?
2018 saw some huge love for fantasy creature, specifically mermaids and unicorns. I think 2019 will see plenty of mermaids still, but fewer unicorns. In place of unicorns? Sloths. Cuddly-looking and love to nap. Truly, my spirit animal.
Glitter is out!
Okay, that’s wishful thinking. Maybe it’s because I’m a dude, but I’m just not a fan of glitter. I find it especially alarming how glittery Halloween and Christmas have become. While I don’t think Christmas 2019 will be any less sparkly than last Christmas (I gave you my heart…) Halloween 2018 was less sparkly than the last few years. I am hoping we’ll see an overall downturn in glitter along with the rise of some cool alternatives.
I’m predicting that monochromatic color palettes, especially those favoring warm, earthy tones will see a rise in popularity. This is just a weird, gut feeling.
Public Domain
The US public domain is seeing the largest number of new (old!) works enter in 20 years! Tens of thousands of properties, including movies, books, comics and cartoons copyrighted in 1923, are entering the public domain, making them free to use. I don’t know how this will impact the maker and crafter communities, but I’m excited to see what the results will be!
What trends are excited about? What will you be trying trying this year? Let me know in the comments!
Here’s to a 2019 full of making, crafting, and geekery!